
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I Want YOU For The Horror Tree

The Horror Tree is getting bigger by day thanks to all the visitors.
But I want to go bigger, and I can not do it alone.

That`s why I need YOU!

I am looking for a co-writer to help me with more articles and reviews.

Do you want to work for a growing website?

Your Function

You will make every week at least one article/review.
Work personally with me to grow the website.

Your Profiel

You need to be +18 years old.
You need to have some english writing skills.
You must be a honest person.
A true horror lover and is willing to put some time in the website.
Work for the moment as a volunteer.

Our Offer

In the future possible free movies, games, shows... It all depends how big we get.
Press privileges.
The fun of working with horror.

What do I have to do?

Send me a email with some personal information (Who you are? Hobbies? Work? Why you want to work for The Horror Tree?)
Just tell a little bit about your self.
{I do not need to know your home adress or phonenumber!}

Also make your first article that you want to post on The Horror Tree.

Send all this in a mail to ``


I do not make any money out of this website! So you have to do it as a hobby.
However it is possible that we will make money out of it or get free games and movies. 
But it is way to early! So please do not forget this is all for fun.

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